There's nothing like waking up and finding that you're surrounded by cats. I only had two of them last night, one of which insists on sleeping ON ME. Or if my husband is asleep sleeping on him. The other cat is quite happy to sleep as close to you as possible without actually being on you. But having two furry balls of blood pumping heat in addition to flannel sheets, a blanket, a regular comforter and then a thin down comforter (yes, sleeping is more like a slow roast for me) always makes it more difficult to get up in the morning. Even if it's not too cold out, more just chilly. Of course when it gets really cold it's damn near impossible to get out of the womb even if it's just to turn off the alarm clock.
This morning wasn't much more than chilly, but resetting the alarm clock for 5:30 and then slipping back under the cat was quite satisfying.
This particular cat gains fluid like properties when he sleeps on you. Say you wake up and find that your muscles are starting to cramp because this 14 pound behemouth has decided that your crotch is the most comfortable place in the world to sleep (which, apparently it is because that's where he always settles in). All you have to do is just slide your self under the cat until you find a comfortable position. You could even move a leg under him from side to side and his body would just kind of flow over it, like a wave made out of fur and flesh. Sometimes he'll look at you until you finally stop moving. All I can see is this outline of a cat head watching me from my hips.
There's all sorts of pussy jokes in there, I know.
But the cats are a wonderful addition to my own body heat. Maybe they're getting as much benefit from my body heat as I'm getting from theirs. Whatever it is it's enough because they never go under the covers when there's a person in the bed. Our third cat will wait until the bed is empty and then burrow her way under the top comforter so there is this lump in the middle of the bed that when you press it (gently now) it talks to you in cat talk. Then she comes out and she's all rumpled. She's the only cat I know who gets bed head.
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