
Writing just to hear the tapping of the keys

For some reason the view out my kitchen window from the office is particularly mesmerizing. The corner of the garage next door, the telephone pole, the tree branches, the lights reflected in the windows of the mill building. A one foot by one foot view with more layers than one would expect in a city scape.
Of course, there are those who would argue that I don't really live in a city. More just a large town. But we've got our share of characters, 14 aldermen (one of which is actually a woman), a concert venue, a hockey team, a minor league baseball team, clubs and restaurants lining the main street, and a wealth of homeless that we can all watch age over time.
A few weeks ago my husband and I were in the car and stopped for traffic at a sign post. Coming up on our right was a man who was wearing a whole animal skin on his head. Little furry face on his forehead, feet hanging down over his ears, tail down his back - swinging against his gait as he made his way up the street. I looked, tried not to stare, and then tried not to laugh as all I wanted to do was get out of the car and approach the man very cautiously and say "Shhh, you've got something on your head." Stalk the empty beast and then rip it from his scalp and wrestle it to the ground before handing it back and saying "You should be all right now."
Of course, he could have Native American roots and view my actions as disrespectful of the animal that once inhabited his unusual hat. Or, he could be Native American and have a great sense of humor and understand that life is no good without a good laugh. Or, he could just be some guy, with an animal skin on his head, walking toward Main Street to get a cup of coffee and generally make the people at Dunkin Donuts nervous.
In a recent Fiona Apple song she sings "I have so to been playing with fifty-two cards." I mean, you never know who is or who isn't. And often, the people who you truly believe to be a few cards short are in possession of the full deck, they may have simply had to hand-draw their own King of Spades in order to make the dime store pack fit with their view of the world.

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