
Temporary distraction

I must whole heartedly apologize for the delay in the remaining steps in the mad scientific method. Step three has the potential of being as round robin of an argument as step one was, and that has me subconsciously anxious about tackling the step. I want something unarguable.
Something as unarguable as the fact that vampires WILL be my mortal enemies when I manage to wipe out the rest of humanity. (The weather was beautiful this weekend, by the way. Sunny blue skies and breezes. Mmmm.)
But that brings me to the second reason why it's taking me so long to get to step three. My husband, good soul that he was, decided to point out to me a few weeks ago that if I were to wipe out all of humanity then the vampires would not exist much longer because their feedstock would be gone.
A valid point. But unacceptable.
So I did what any mad scientist would do and raged against his impudence and utter foolishness at questioning my actions. Vampires would so still be around because they're VAMPIRES dammit! They find a way to survive. I mean, how many movies have shown that it takes vampires at least a thousand years to die? I'll be plenty busy fighting my mortal enemy, mister. Plenty busy.
To further emphasize my point, I killed him through the most horrifying method available to me in a small metropolis. I fed him to the most foul beast next door, Jack the Chihuahua.
Jack is very small so it's been taking a while to get the "morsels" to him for complete consumption. Almost there though.
The mad scientific method should pick up again on Friday, Vampires and all.


As an extra, while trying to figure out how to spell Chihuahua I came across this wonderful word in the dictionary.

chionodoxa: genus name, fr. GK chion - snow (akin to Gk cheimon winter) + doxa glory : GLORY - OF - THE - SNOW

That is worth looking through the dictionary for.

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