
Fried brains

And there's really no good reason for it.

Things that did not happen:

a) a hard day at the office

b) an emotionally trying day

c) the end to some whirlwind affair which I shall remember long after the person ceases to be important in my life

d) some catastrophic event that shook the world

e) a day filled with one meeting after another and an endless list of tasks that need to be completed at specific times throughout the day.

f) a day that required me to break some horrible news to a family member or close friend

g) a day spent climbing a mountain

h) a day spent worry that the cat is going to be ok after swallowing something toxic

i) the culmination of a lifetime worth of work gone to SHIT because of i. a stupid mistake on my part or ii. a stupid mistake on the part of someone else

j) I did not have to miss an event I've been looking forward to for months, nay years, because I contracted mononucleosis

k) no one died that I personally knew

l) I did not discover a long lost sibling who had been adopted soon after birth

m) I did not lose any important body parts

n) there was no agonizing migraine simply because I chose to eat a yogurt

0) my husband didn't leave me for someone else because, well, I'm not getting any younger

p) no one told me I really screwed up on that project

q) I did not electrocute myself trying to get toast unstuck from the toaster with a fork

r) no one picked on me with the viciousness of a 10-year old

s) no one cornered me in an uncomfortable and domineering way, insinuating I might lose my job if I didn't "make the right decision"

t) random wildlife did not throw itself in front of my car as I pushed the safe speed limit on the highway during a heavy rain. At night

u) I did not get road rage

v) I did not get arrested for road rage

w) all of my electronic gadgets continue to work fine. Including my computer running off of Win 98

x) I did not order a valuable and fragile item through an internet store only to have said item arrive in a crushed box and 1,000 pieces

y) I received no bad news from the doctor

z) none of the food I ate today held a rotten/sharp/moldy surprise

So yeah. Things were ok.

Still, I just can't think straight enough to write anymore.

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