
Forgetting. Again.

Gosh darn it all, why do I forget how much I love to write and look things up?
I'm not going to repost it here, I'm going to give you a link:

Genus Coffea

I've held onto this site for awhile because I had a dream about writing about coffee as a commodity. Every one, work with me here, loves to talk/write/wax poetic about their favorite coffee hangout. Heck, Starbucks snobs get together online and go on forever about what their favorite company is up to.

Beantowne Coffee, my former employer, works diligently to engage their public. There is limited success.

JDubs Coffee is concentrating on getting people through the door on Elm Street in Manchester. It's not an easy location. A majority of the traffic is on South Willow street, even in the summer. And it's really too bad. Elm Street is a wonderful place to build up foot traffic, instead of concentrating on the congested gauntlet of ill conceived chain stores on the strip.

But I didn't just want to plug my local hot spots. I wanted to look at coffee as the economic behemoth that it is. Second only to petroleum I believe. What drives the market? Why is it so popular? Why, on earth, a beverage? It is amazing to me.

But dreams don't always go where you want them to. And you'd think that even conscious dreaming of daily existence would be somehow controllable. Tell the dream where you want it to take you.

And then there are bills. And doubts. And bills. And something on TV. And bills.

So Genus Coffea was forgotten. Until recently. When a new idea was pitched to me, taking the coffee house in a new direction.

But first, let people know that Genus Coffea isn't dead! I mean, the last time I posted to it was 2007! I have a better, if still spotty, track record here. And then Starbucks announced a foray into instant coffee. And I had something to write about. And I remembered why I wanted to start Genus Coffea in the first place.

A new direction will still be good. I won't abandon the economics of coffee completely, but it will be second to the new theme. Something to keep the action swirling from the steam wand.

So enjoy my look at Starbucks new addition. And stay tuned for something more. Something else that wants to look at a common occurrence from a bit of a different perspective.

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