
Will the resume ever end?

Or just be in a constant cycle of resuming?

So, I'm spinning my head around trying to create a functional resume and I explain what I'm trying to do to my husband as "listing all of my skills and then organizing those skills into groups that tell a potential employer not just what I did at a job, but also what I can do in a potential job."

Or something like that. I can't remember my exact words.

He gets this weird smile on his face and says "you know what you're doing, right?"

Keep in mind. He is a gamer. Not a video gamer, not a poker player, not a sportsman. He remembers picking up the first Dungeon and Dragons game at a long since extinct toy and game store at a time when Michael Jackson still had some disco in him.

I know what's coming.

"You're creating your own character sheet!"

His glee was almost manic.

"Can I have a copy of that when you're done so I can work up a stat sheet on you?"

Who am I to say no.

Now, back to that character sheet.

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