I could say it's like any other morning, but that wouldn't be very Zen of me. On no other morning have I been alive for 12418 days (including leap years.) Still living below 60 in the office, sun is up before 6:30, cat made an appearance and was a true PIA for about the 30 minutes I let him warm my lap and claw my shirt in, what I believe, is some sort of expression of love on his little kitty part. So what makes this day different other than the number 12418? Hard telling. Could I have lost/gained another pound? Will I see a moose when I drive to work? How many ass hats will be driving on the highway? Will I be one of them? Maybe the coffee from Dunkin Donuts won't taste like a dirty ashtray this morning. Maybe the price of gas has miraculously dropped to 1.50 a gallon. Who's to say?
I could be all gung ho and say "I will make today different than every other day!" So what does that entail exactly? How drastic does the change have to be? Is it enough if instead of thinking "My god I totally f-d that up" I think "My god now I know not to mix diet rootbeer with vanilla Tofutti." (A friend of mine once wrote a poem that included that particular concoction. I guess it exploded on him.)
A few days ago I was convinced that I'd just sign in one morning and write:
"Today I woke up."
And leave it like that. See how people would react to the statement. As a matter of fact, I'm not even going to go in to the different reactions people could have. It's all a bit to philosphical for 12418.
hhmmm, a random photo seems appropriate now
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